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Surrounding territory


Brescia art city. Events organised by brescia Mostre-Grandi Eventi in recent years, Impressionisti da Corot a Renoir about the colourful vision of the world by this artistic wave (just to name one) enchanted and involved a large audience. Brescia displays its history and recalls the brauty of the past thanks to the ruins of the roman forum, Vespasian s temple, and the treasures of Museo di Santa Giulia.

Garda lake the largest Italian lake, can offer visitors an extraordinary selection of landscapes. Beside the lake, the imposing Dolomites of Brenta, soft morainal hills along the southern side, beautiful beaches attracting tourists from all over the world, all play the main role on this stage. A Mediterranean climate favours sceneries with unique hues while grape and olive cultivation allows wine and oil production of incomparable quality.

Franciacorta is a splendid share of land in Lombardy very close to Brescia. Nature itself tolls its millenarian origins by creating an amazing landscape full of variety, colours and known for it most precious treasure: wine.

Not to be missed: a visit to the Iseo Lake, attractive water pool set amidst hills and mountains and offering views of rare beauty. In the middle of the lake lies Montisola, the largest lake Island in Europe, reachable by a pleasant ferry trip.
